Hello World!

It's been awhile. How are you?

One of my goals for 2019 was to finally launch a redesign of my personal site, and to start writing again.

So, I'm pleased to present to you the latest version of my personal site welcome! I hope you like the fresh coat of paint.

This is probably the third or fourth redesign of my personal site I've worked on in the past year. None of those were ever published, instead the source code and various Sketch/Adobe XD files lay dormant on my computer (and will probably stay there).

Some of the goals I wanted to accomplish with this redesign:

  • Break out of my default blue/teal color scheme (though I can't promise the current "Ruby" color will stay)
  • Write the stylesheet using pure CSS (including CSS variables) and not rely on Sass (though I do miss some of its features)
  • Rely on as little Javascript as possible
  • Build with a static site generator (I'm using Hexo for this version)
  • Try hosting with Netlify or AWS (going with Netlify for the time being)

I have a lot of other improvements I want to make, but for now I'm happy to be back writing again and this change feels good.

Currently Reading

Backyard Starship

J.N. Chaney

Currently listening

As the Sea Swells She Bleats and Moans Like a Goat in Heat

The Slowest Runner in all the World

See listening log

Copyright ©2024 Waylon Baumgardner. All rights reserved.